Vision, Mission, and Values


To be a leader in achieving the goals of UPLB by providing globally competitive programs and services that empower students in meeting their psychosocial, emotional, financial, and academic needs.


WE EMPOWER STUDENTS by providing an environment that encourages academic growth and personality development.

WE SUPPORT STUDENTS financially by providing scholarships, loans, and other forms of financial assistance.

WE ASSIST STUDENTS by providing them access to information that help them make informed decisions regarding their psychosocial, emotional, financial, and academic needs.


HONOR AND EXCELLENCE - We serve in accordance to the University's principles.

INTEGRITY - We perform duties with honesty and fairness.

COMMITMENT - We devote time and effort to provide responsive, high-quality, and proactive student service.

INNOVATIVENESS - We take advantage of forward-looking practices and technologies in order to meet the dynamic needs of students.

COMPASSION - We consider the contexts of our students to ensure that we serve with a caring heart.