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Available Scholarships
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - College of Human Ecology Alumni Association Thesis GrantAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. CHE students graduating this First Semester, AY 2024-2025
- 2. Must belong to ST Bracket PD80, Full Discount or Full Discount with Stipend
- 3. Applicant must not have been subjected to disciplinary action by the University or CHE
- 4. Must have an approve thesis proposal certified by Thesis/Academic Adviser, Unit Heads and CHE Dean
- 5. Must not be a recipient of any other thesis grant
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application form through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character from respective Office of College Secretary
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. One (1) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 7. Approved Thesis Proposal certified by Thesis/Academic Adviser, Unit Heads and CHE Dean
- **Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
BENEFITS- 1. ₱5,000 thesis allowance
- ----
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - Sterix Incorporated Gift of HOPE (Holistic Offerings to Promote Excellence) Thesis GrantAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a BS Biology or BS Agriculture (Major in Entomology) Student
- 2. Must have a Senior standing at the time of application
- 3. Must be a Filipino citizen
- 4. Must have an approved Thesis Outline
- 5. Must have a GWA of 2.5 or better
- 6. Must belong to a family whose gross income is not more than ₱250,000.00 per annum
- 7. Must not be a recipient of other thesis grants
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill out the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2021 or 2022) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 7. Approved Thesis Outline (duly approved and signed by Thesis Adviser)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 5,000.00 one-time Thesis Grant
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descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - Dr. Ernesto TuazonAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be Junior or Senior student from Ilocos Sur or Laguna (preferably Calauan)
- 2. Must be a BS Chemistry, BS Agricultural Chemistry or BS Chemical Engineering student
- 3. Must have a GWA of 2.50 or better
- 4. Must belong to a family whose gross income is not more than ₱150,000.00 per annum
- 5. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- 6. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant
- Instruction:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Form
- 2. For Parents:
- Current Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316
- If exempted from filing, provide a BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- If parents are unemployed, submit a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment with:
- Approximate income earned.
- Other proof of income (e.g., Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency).
- For the Applicant:
- If working, submit your Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316.
- If married, include your spouse's ITR and/or BIR Form 2316.
- If your income comes from a business, attach an Income Statement.
- Special Circumstances:
- If exempted from filing an income tax return, provide the BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- For unemployed parents, a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment must be submitted along with proof of any other income (as listed above).
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semester
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character from your College Secretary
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. Three (3) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 4,000.00 monthly stipend
- 2. ₱ 5,000.00 Book/IT allowance per semester
descriptionLifebank Microfinance Foundation, Inc. (LBMFI) Undergraduate Thesis GrantAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be enrolled in any BS course at UPLB at the time of the grant award
- 2. Must have passed at least 38 units of course work
- 3. Must not have a grade of “5”, “4” or “Inc.” in the semester immediately preceding the application
- 4. Must not have been held liable to any disciplinary action
- 5. Is interested to pursue a thesis* in the basic, applied or interdisciplinary aspects of organic agriculture
- *Suggested Thesis Research Themes Related to Organic Agriculture:
- •Socio-cultural aspects: Youth engagement and education, health and nutrition, gender issues, indigenous knowledge systems, development communication, community food systems, participatory community-based organizations for sustainable development and other related topics
- •Technological aspects: Organic crops, animals and fish production and integrated systems, soil and water management, pest management, organic soil amendments, post-harvest technologies, organic food and non-food processing, mechanization and labor-saving devices, information technology applications, engineering, statistics, applied math applications and other related topics
- •Economic aspects: entrepreneurship, supply and value chain studies, marketing, agribusiness, certification and guarantee systems and other related topics
- •Environmental aspects: Agrobiodiversity, agroecology, microbiology, sustainability issues, climate change adaptation and mitigation, soil and water conservation and other related topics
- •Policy-institutional aspects: Policy studies, governance, institutional linkages and support systems, multi-stakeholder engagement and other related topics
- Instruction:
- •Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Private & Government Scholarships - Office of Student Grants Form No.1 (
- 2. Data Privacy Consent Form (
- 3. Application letter (Addressed to the Lifebank Microfinance Foundation, Inc. (LBMFI)) signed by the Student Applicant with endorsement by the Thesis Adviser, Unit Director and College Dean
- 4. Thesis Concept Note** approved by the adviser (
- 5. True Copy of Grades and Total Number of Units earned from the semester immediately preceding the application.
- 6. Form 5 of the current semester at the time of application.
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 50,000 Thesis Grant for thesis mainly involving surveys, policy research, documentation and assessment
- or
- ₱ 80,000 Thesis Grant for thesis mainly involving farm experimentation and/or laboratory analysis (thesis of this kind is upon the approval of UPLB/CHED IATF)
descriptionPhilippine Geothermal Prod. Co. Inc. ScholarshipAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be an Old First Year student enrolled in Engineering, Forestry, Social Sciences, Communication, Economics and Business-related courses
- 2. Must belong to the upper 15% of the High School graduating class as certified by the principal or school head
- 3. Must maintain a minimum general weighted average (GWA) of 2.50 or better
- 4. Must be enrolling to at least 15 units for the First Semester A.Y. 2024-2025
- 5. Must belong to a family whose gross income is not more than ₱240,000.00 per annum
- 6. Must not be more than 20 years old at the time of filing of application, physically fit and must be a Filipino citizen
- 7. Must be a bonafide resident of the municipalities of Bay, Calauan or Los Baños in Laguna or Sto. Tomas, Batangas
- 8. Must not be a recipient of other scholarship grant
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill out the online application form through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2021 or 2022) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 4. Form 138 (Grade 11 and Grade 12 grades)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
BENEFITS- 1. P3,000.00 allowance for five (5) months every semester
- 2. P1,000.00 Books/school supplies allowance per semester
descriptionPhilsan Graduate Thesis Grant (Philsan)Available slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be enrolled in MS Animal Science majoring in Animal Nutrition
- 2. Must be enrolled in thesis at the time of the award of the grant
- Instructions:
- Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from respective Office of College Secretary
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 8. Approved thesis outline
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
BENEFITS- 1. P30,000.00 thesis allowance
descriptionSterix Incorporated Gift of HOPE (Holistic Offerings to Promote Excellence) Scholarship ProgramAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a BS Biology or BS Agriculture (Major in Entomology) student
- 2. Must have a Junior standing at the time of application
- 3. Must be a Filipino citizen
- 4. Must have a GWA of 2.5 or better
- 5. Must be enrolling to at least 15 units for the 1st Semester A.Y. 2024-2025
- 6. Must belong to family whose gross income is not more than ₱250,000.00 per annum
- 7. Must not be a recipient of other scholarship grant
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill out the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2021 or 2022) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 5,000 monthly stipend for five (5) months every semester
- 2. ₱ 2,000 Book/IT Allowance per semester
- 3. ₱ 1,000 Travel Allowance per semester
- 4. ₱ 4,500 Thesis Allowance per semester for the last two (2) semesters
- 5. ₱ 1,000 Graduation Allowance at the last semester
descriptionSM Sustainability ScholarshipAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must belong to families whose annual gross income is not more than PhP150,000.00. Families’ annual gross income includes income of siblings who are single and have no dependents.
- 2. Must be a Filipino citizen, preferably bonafide residents of Pasay City.
- 3. Must be Sophomore BS Forestry students.
- 4. Must not be a beneficiary of any other scholarships or educational grants
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill out the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. Notice of Acceptance/Admission to UPLB
- 4. Form 138 (Grade 11 and Grade 12 grades)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from previous school)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/teacher
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: 2/20/2025
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 3,500 stipend per month
- 2. ₱ 2,500.00 Book Allowance per semester
There are no scholarships available in this category.
Other Scholarships
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - Dr. Higino A. AblesAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a bonafide UPLB student
- 2. Must come from Sorsogon, Bicol Region
- 3. Must have an Old Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior standing
- 4. Must have a GWA of 2.5 or better
- 5. Must be enrolling to at least 15 units for the 1st Semester AY 2024-2025
- 6. Must belong to family whose gross income is not more than ₱150,000.00 per annum
- 7. Must not be a recipient of other scholarship grant
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application form through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 31 July 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱3,500.00 monthly stipend
- 2. ₱2,500.00 Book/IT allowance
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - FDFAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a bonafide BS Human Ecology student majoring in Human Settlements Planning
- 2. Must be a graduating student by 2nd Semester A.Y. 2022-2023
- 3. Must belong to family whose gross income is not more than ₱ 150,000.00 per annum
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 21 August 2023
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 10,000.00 stipend for the whole semester
- ----
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - Nick Angel IIAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Senior standing
- 2. BS Agriculture/BS Forestry student that will graduate by 1st Semester Ay 2024-2025
- 3. GWA of 2.50 or better
- 4. Must belong to a family whose gross income is not more than ₱150,000.00 per annum
- 5. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- 6. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant
- Instruction:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5 (current semester; can be submitted at a later time when not yet available)
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from respective Office of College Secretary
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 8. Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 31 July 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱3,500.00 monthly stipend
- 2. ₱2,500.00 Book/IT allowance
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - Human Ecology Institute of the Philippines, Inc. (HUMEIN-Phils)Available slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a bonafide UPLB student enrolled in the College of Human Ecology under BS Human Ecology Program
- 2. Must be an incoming first year student
- 3. Must have a GWA of 85/2.5 or better
- 4. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units for the First Semester A.Y. 2023-2024
- 5. Must belong to family whose gross income is not more than ₱250,000.00 per annum
- Instruction:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5 (current semester; can be submitted at a later time when not yet available)
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from respective Office of College Secretary
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 8. Form 13
DEADLINE: 21 August 2023
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - Camilla Yandoc AblesAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be in Junior or Senior standing
- 2. Must be a student of BS Agriculture major in Plant Pathology
- 3. Must have a GWA of 2.50 or better
- 4. Must belong to family whose gross income is not more than ₱ 150,000.00 per annum
- 5. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- 6. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. Notice of Acceptance/Admission to UPLB
- 4. Form 138 (Grade 11 and Grade 12 grades)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from previous school)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/teacher
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: 10/13/2023
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 5,000.00 stipend per month
- 2. ₱ 5,000.00 book/IT allowance per semester
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - Norma P. AblesAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be in Junior or Senior standing
- 2. Must be a student of BS Agriculture major in Animal Science or BS Nutrition
- 3. Must have a GWA of 2.50 or better
- 4. Must belong to family whose gross income is not more than ₱150,000.00 per annum
- 5. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- 6. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. Notice of Acceptance/Admission to UPLB
- 4. Form 138 (Grade 11 and Grade 12 grades)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from previous school)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/teacher
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: 7/31/2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱5,000.00 monthly stipend
- 2. ₱5,000.00 Book/IT allowance
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - Inzon FamilyAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. BS Forestry student
- 2. GWA of 2.50 or better
- 3. Must belong to family whose gross income is not more than ₱ 150,000.00 per annum
- 4. Must be enrolled in at least 12 units at the time of the award of the grant
- 5. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- Instruction:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5 (current semester; can be submitted at a later time when not yet available)
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from respective Office of College Secretary
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 8. Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 21 August 2023
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 3,000.00 monthly stipend
- ----
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - Dr. Joan NarcisoAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Junior or Senior standing
- 2. BS Agriculture (BSA) BS Food Science and Technology (BSFST/BSFT) or BS Math and Science Teaching (BSMST) student
- 3. GWA of 2.50 or better
- 4. Must belong to family whose gross income is not more than ₱ 150,000.00 per annum
- 5. Must be enrolled in at least 12 units at the time of the award of the grant
- 6. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- Instruction:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5 (current semester; can be submitted at a later time when not yet available)
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from respective Office of College Secretary
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 8. Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 16 June 2022
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 3,000.00 monthly stipend
- 2. ₱ 2,000.00 Book/IT allowance
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - Dr. Cesar R. BautistaAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a College of Agriculture and Food Science (any course) student
- 2. Must have an Old Freshman standing at the time of application
- 3. Must be a Filipino citizen residing in the Province of Batangas
- 4. Must have a GWA of 2.5 or better
- 5. Must belong to family whose gross income is not more than ₱250,000.00 per annum
- Instruction:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5 (current semester; can be submitted at a later time when not yet available)
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from respective Office of College Secretary
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 8. Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 10 June 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 10,000 for one academic year
- ----
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - Paul HubillaAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Junior or Senior standing
- 2. BS Agriculture major in Animal Science student
- 3. GWA of 2.50 or better
- 4. Must belong to a family whose gross income is not more than ₱150,000.00 per annum
- 5. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant
- 6. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from respective Office of College Secretary
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 8. Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 31 July 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 5,000.00 monthly stipend
- ----
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - Sungbo Veterinary ScholarshipAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. 5th year DVM student
- 2. Must belong to family whose gross income is not more than ₱ 150,000.00 per annum
- 3. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- 4. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant
- Instruction:
- a.) Apply to SFA online
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Photocopy of UPLB Registration Form 5 (Current Semester; can be submitted at a later time when not yet available)
- 3. Certified true copy of grades (TCG) from previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of good moral character from college
- 5. Parents' ITR from previous year or Affidavit of source of Income and BIR Tax Exemption Certificate
- 6. 1 Recommendation Letter
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: 15 August 2020
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - College of Development Communication Alumni Association Scholarship (Nora C. Quebral Scholarship Program)Available slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a bonafide BS Development Communication Student
- 2. Must strictly have an Old Freshman student standing by 2nd Semester A.Y. 2022-2023
- 3. Must have a GWA of 1.75 or better
- 4. Must be enrolling to at least 15 units for the 2nd Semester A.Y. 2022-2023
- 5. Must belong to family whose gross income is not more than ₱ 145,000.00 per annum
- 6. Must not have a record of any misconduct at CDC or UPLB
- 7. Must not be a recipient of other scholarship grant
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill out the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2021 or 2022) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 27 January 2023
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 5,000.00 monthly stipend for five (5) months per semester
description Adopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - University of the Philippines Alumni Association Arizona (UPAAAZ)Available slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. 3rd year BS Food Technology student
- 2. GWA of 2.50 or better
- 3. Must belong to family whose gross income is not more than ₱ 80,000.00 per annum
- 4. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- 5. Must be enrolled in at least 12 units at the time of the award of the grant
- Instruction:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5 (current semester; can be submitted at a later time when not yet available)
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from respective Office of College Secretary
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 8. Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 29 October 2021
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - UPAAA Imelda Alviso Jones Stipend ScholarshipAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be an incoming first year student
- 2. Must be taking an Engineering degree program
- 3. Must be a Filipino Citizen
- 4. Must belong to a family whose gross income is not more than ₱500,000.00 per annum
- Instruction:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. Current Form 5 (current semester; can be submitted at a later time when not yet available)
- 4. True Copy of Grades (TCG)/Report Card for all semesters of Senior High.
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from your Previous Senior Highschool
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letters from previous Teacher/Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: 2 August 2023
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - UPAAA Stephen and Nelsie Parrado Stipend ScholarshipAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a student enrolled in an Engineering degree program
- 2. Any year level
- 3.Must have an average grade of “3.0" or better for the minimum academic load of his/her academic unit and maximum residence rule
- 4. Must have no grade of “5.0"
- 5. Must belong to a family whose gross income is not more than ₱500,000.00 per annum
- 6. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- Instruction:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Form
- 2. For Parents:
- Current Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316
- If exempted from filing, provide a BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- If parents are unemployed, submit a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment with:
- Approximate income earned.
- Other proof of income (e.g., Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency).
- For the Applicant:
- If working, submit your Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316 .
- If married, include your spouse's ITR and/or BIR Form 2316.
- If your income comes from a business, attach an Income Statement.
- Special Circumstances:
- If exempted from filing an income tax return, provide the BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- For unemployed parents, a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment must be submitted along with proof of any other income (as listed above).
- 3. For incoming Freshie:
- Report Card for all semesters of Senior High
- For Continuing Students:
- True Copy of Grades from all previous semester
- 4. For incoming Freshie:
- Certificate of Good Moral Character from your Previous Senior Highschool
- For Continuing Students:
- Certificate of Good Moral Character from your College Secretary
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. Three (3) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗔𝗔𝗦𝗣 - 𝗨𝗣𝗔𝗔𝗔 𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗟𝗗𝗔 𝗔𝗟𝗩𝗜𝗦𝗢 𝗝𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦 𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗣𝗘𝗡𝗗 𝗦𝗖𝗛𝗢𝗟𝗔𝗥𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗣, you only need to submit digitally for us to consider your application.
DEADLINE: 20 September 2024
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - UPAAA Victor and Nel Gacusan ScholarshipAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be Senior standing
- 2. Must be taking BS Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- 3. Must be a Filipino Citizen
- 4. Must belong to a family whose gross income is not more than ₱500,000.00 per annum
- 6. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- Instruction:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Form
- 2. For Parents:
- Current Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316
- If exempted from filing, provide a BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- If parents are unemployed, submit a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment with:
- Approximate income earned.
- Other proof of income (e.g., Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency).
- For the Applicant:
- If working, submit your Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316 .
- If married, include your spouse's ITR and/or BIR Form 2316.
- If your income comes from a business, attach an Income Statement.
- Special Circumstances:
- If exempted from filing an income tax return, provide the BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- For unemployed parents, a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment must be submitted along with proof of any other income (as listed above).
- 3. For incoming Freshie:
- Report Card for all semesters of Senior High
- For Continuing Students:
- True Copy of Grades from all previous semester
- 4. For incoming Freshie:
- Certificate of Good Moral Character from your Previous Senior Highschool
- For Continuing Students:
- Certificate of Good Moral Character from your College Secretary
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. Three (3) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: 13 November 2024
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - University of the Philippines Alumni Association EdmontonAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. GWA of 2.50 or better
- 2. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- 3. Must be enrolled in at least 12 units at the time of the award of the grant
- Instruction:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5 (current semester; can be submitted at a later time when not yet available)
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from respective Office of College Secretary
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 8. Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 5 November 2021
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 3,500.00 monthly stipend
- 2. ₱ 2,500.00 Book/IT allowance
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - UP Alumni Association in MinnesotaAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a Senior student graduating this 2nd Semester AY 2020-2021
- 2. Must be a student whose course is related to Physical Sciences, Engineering, Economics or Agriculture
- 3. Must be enrolled in at least 12 units at the time of the award of the grant
- 4. GWA of 2.50 or better
- 5. Must belong to family whose gross income is not more than ₱ 150,000.00 per annum
- 6. Must not be a recipient of other scholarship grant
- Instruction:
- a.) If the applicant does not have an application to SLAS and if there is an open application, apply to SLAS Online. Otherwise, proceed to next step.
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Photocopy of UPLB Registration Form 5 for 2nd Semester 2020-2021 (if already available)
- 3. Certified True Copy of Grades (TCG) from previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character from college secretary
- 5. Certificate of Graduation from the college secretary
- 6. Parents' ITR from previous year or Affidavit of source of Income and BIR Tax Exemption Certificate
- 7. 1 Recommendation Letter from previous professor
- (addressed to:
- Prof. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair
- UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 8. Copy of Birth Certificate
DEADLINE: 12 March 2021
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 3,500.00 monthly stipend
- 2. ₱ 2,500.00 Book/IT allowance
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - UP Alumni Association - New Jersey Chapter, Inc. Educational Assistance Program (UPAA-NJ EAP)Available slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a Filipino citizen
- 2. Must be a bonafide student of UP Los Baños
- 3. Must be an incoming freshman under the College of Arts and Sciences
- 4. Must be enrolling to at least 12 units for the 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023
- 5. Must be financially needy; belongs to a family whose gross income is not more than ₱ 350,000 per annum
- 6. Must not be a recipient of other scholarship grant
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. Notice of Acceptance/Admission to UPLB
- 4. Form 138 (Grade 11 and Grade 12 grades)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from previous school)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/teacher
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: 31 August 2022
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - UPAA TorontoAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Sophomore standing
- 2. GWA of 2.50 or better
- 3. Must belong to family whose gross income is not more than ₱ 150,000.00 per annum
- 4. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- 5. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant
- Instruction:
- a.) Apply to SFA online
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Photocopy of UPLB Registration Form 5 (Current Semester; can be submitted at a later time when not yet available)
- 3. Certified true copy of grades (TCG) from previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of good moral character from college
- 5. Parents' ITR from previous year or Affidavit of source of Income and BIR Tax Exemption Certificate
- 6. 1 Recommendation Letter
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: 21 August 2023
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 4,375.00 monthly stipend
- 2. ₱ 2,500.00 Book/IT allowance
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - UPLB Delta Lambda Sigma Alumnae AssociationAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Freshman, Sophomore or Junior student
- 2. GWA of 2.50 or better
- 3. Must belong to family whose gross income is not more than ₱ 150,000.00 per annum
- 4. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- 5. Must be enrolled in at least 12 units at the time of the award of the grant
- Instruction:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5 (current semester; can be submitted at a later time when not yet available)
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from respective Office of College Secretary
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 8. Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 7 January 2022
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP) - Vega Centre (Mayang International Development Corporation)Available slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a student with Senior Standing
- 2. Must be a BS Forestry student
- 3. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units for the First Semester AY 2024-2025
- 4. Must have a GWA of 2.5 or better
- 5. Must belong to a family whose gross income is not more than ₱150,000.00 per annum
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. Form 5 for 1st Semester 2022-2023
- 4. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 31 July 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 3,500.00 monthly stipend
- 2. ₱ 2,500.00 Book/IT allowance per sem
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP): LC Foundation Inc.Available slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. BS Nutrition (Senior standing or graduating this First Semester AY 2024-2025)
- 2. Must belong to ST bracket, PD 80, or Full Discount
- 3. Must be enrolling to at least 15 units for the First Semester AY 2024-2025
- 4. Must have a GWA of 2.5 or better
- 5. Must belong to a family whose gross income is not more than ₱250,000.00 per annum
- 6. Must not be a recipient of other scholarship grant
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. Form 5 for 1st Semester 2022-2023
- 4. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 23 August 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 5,000.00 monthly stipend
descriptionAdopt-a-Student Program (AASP): Erla Gay Rocafort YapAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be an incoming first year student
- 2. Must be a Filipino citizen
- 3. Must have a GWA of 2.5 or better
- 4. Must belong to a family whose gross income is not more than ₱250,000.00 per annum
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5 (current semester; can be submitted at a later time when not yet available)
- 4. True Copy of Grades (TCG)/Report Card for all semesters of Senior High.
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from respective Office of College Secretary
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letters from previous Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: 31 July 2024
descriptionBASF Agricultural Research Foundation Inc. Scholarship GrantAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a sophomore BS Agriculture student, majoring in Crop Protection (Entomology, Plant Pathology, Weed Science)
- 2. Must have a GWA of 2.5 or better, with no grade of “4”, “5”, or “INC” in the semester immediately preceding the application
- 3. Must be enrolling to at least 12 units for the 1st Semester A.Y. 2023-2024
- 4. Must belong to family whose gross income is not more than ₱ 500,000.00 per annum
- 5. Must not be a recipient of other scholarship grant
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 25 September 2023
BENEFITS- 1. Monthly stipend: P 10,000
- 2. Book/IT Allowance: P 2,000 per semester
- 3. Travel Allowance: P 1,000 per semester
- 4. Thesis Allowance: P 5,000
- 5. Graduation Allowance: P 1,000 at the last semester
descriptionDr. Eulalio P. Baltazar Memorial ScholarshipAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a 2nd or 3rd year student taking BS Agriculture (or agriculture related fields), or BS Development Communication
- 2. Must be financially needy
- 3. Must have a minimum general weighted average (GWA) of 2.50
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 31 August 2022
BENEFITS- 1. Monthly stipend: P 6,000.00
- 2. Book Allowance: P 2,000 per sem
- 3. Travel Allowance: P 2,000 per sem
descriptionEstores, Tiauzon & Angeles Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship GrantAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a student with Junior/Senior classification
- 2. Must be enrolled in BS Agriculture majoring in Weed Science
- 3. Must be enrolled to at least 15 units this First Semester,AY 2024-2025
- 4. Must have a minimum general weighted average (GWA) of 2.50
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 10 June 2024
BENEFITS- 1. Monthly stipend: ₱ 3,500
- 3. Book/IT Allowance: ₱ 2,500 per semester
- 4. Clothing Allowance: ₱ 1,500 per semester
- 5. Transportation Allowance: ₱ 1,000 per semester
descriptionFoundation For Philippine Progress Undergraduate Fellowship GrantAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a student with Sophomore, Junior, or Senior classification
- 2. Must be a College of Agriculture and Food Sciences student, BS Industrial Engineering Student, or BS Computer Science student
- 3. Must have a minimum general weighted average (GWA) of 2.50
- 4. With a family gross income of not more than ₱300,000.00 per annum
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 31 July 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱5,400 stipend per month
- 2. ₱5,000 Book/IT Allowance
- 3. ₱6,000 Thesis Allowance
- 4. ₱3,750 Graduation Allowance
descriptionFrancisco J. Nicolas ScholarshipAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a bonafide student of the University of the Philippines Los Baños
- 2. Must be an incoming freshman
- 3. Must be enrolled in BS Agriculture (Animal Science, Horticulture, Plant Pathology, or Soil Science), BS Forestry or BS Nutrition
- 4. Must be from Bicol region, preferably Sorsogon; if no one qualifies from Bicol region, the scholarship will be open to other students
- 5. Must be in good standing
- 6. Must belong to SLAS Bracket PD80, Full Discount, or Full Discount with Stipend
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. Notice of Acceptance/Admission to UPLB
- 4. Form 138 (Grade 11 and Grade 12 grades)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from previous school)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/teacher
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: 21 August 2023
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 13,000 per semester
- ----
descriptionLaguna Prime Multipurpose Cooperative Scholarship (BS Forestry)Available slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be an incoming Junior student
- 2. Must be a BS Forestry student who will conduct research about community/livelihood development or climate change.
- 3. Must be a resident of Laguna, preferably a resident of Calamba, Bay, Los Baños, or Calauan
- 4. Must have a GWA of 2.5 or better
- 5. Must be enrolling to at least 15 units for the 1st Semester A.Y. 2024-2025
- 6. Must belong to a family whose gross income is not more than ₱250,000.00 per annum
- 7. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship grant
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades for all previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 31 July 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱6,000 monthly stipend
- 2. ₱2,000 Book/IT Allowance per semester
- 3. ₱5,000 Thesis Allowance per semester for the last three semesters
- 4. ₱3,000 Graduation Allowance at the last semester
descriptionLaguna Prime Multipurpose Cooperative Scholarship (BS AgEcon)Available slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be an incoming Junior student
- 2. Must be a BS Agricultural and Applied Economics student that is planning to major in Rural Finance and Cooperatives
- 3. Must be a resident of Laguna, preferably a resident of Calamba, Bay, Los Baños, or Calauan
- 4. Must have a GWA of 2.5 or better
- 5. Must be enrolling to at least 15 units for the 1st Semester A.Y. 2024-2025
- 6. Must belong to a family whose gross income is not more than ₱250,000.00 per annum
- 7. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship grant
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades for all previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 29 November 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱6,000 monthly stipend
- 2. ₱2,000 Book/IT Allowance per semester
- 3. ₱5,000 Thesis Allowance per semester for the last three semesters
- 4. ₱3,000 Graduation Allowance at the last semester
descriptionLandbank Gawad-Patnubay Scholarship ProgramAvailable slots: (no slots at the moment)QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. A Filipino Citizen who is a resident of the province of Quezon;
- 2. Children/grandchildren of ARBs or SFFs;
- 3. First-year student, with a minimum average grade of 90% or belonging to the top 10% of their class (i.e., final grade or senior high or grades from the latest available grading period);
- 4. Must not enjoy any other financial assistance, grant, or scholarship from other external sources (e.g., foundations, local government units, Department of Science and Technology (DOST), pre-need educational plans)
- 5. Annual total family income must not exceed P300,000.00; and
- 6. Enrolled on the list of eligible courses.
- 1. Agribusiness Management
- 2. Horticulture
- 3. Animal Science
- 4. Food Technology
- 5. Agricultural Engineering
- 6. IT Engineering
- 7. Industrial/Management Engineering
- 8. Civil Engineering
- 9. Mechanical Engineering
- 10. Accounting
- 11. Information Technology
- 12. Data Analytics/Science
- Instructions:
- a.) Download Application Form here:
DEADLINE: 4 September 2021
descriptionMonde Nissin Undergraduate ScholarshipAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a student of BS Food Science and Technology, BS Human Ecology, or BS Nutrition
- 2. Preferably in their first year
- 3. Willing to pursue a thesis on any of the following topics:
- Consumer Behavior on Food and Nutrition (CHE; CAFS)
- Health and Wellness (CHE; CAFS)
- Community Nutrition (CHE)
- Community Resource Planning and Management (CHE)
- Social Services and Food Programs (CHE)
- Safe and Healthy Food Diets (CHE; CAFS)
- Food Product Development and Innovations (CAFS)
- Risk Assessment of Contaminants (CAFS)
- Emerging Food Processing technologies (CAFS)
- Total Diet Study (CHE; CAFS)
- 4. Must belong to a family whose gross income is not more than ₱250,000.00 per annum
- 5. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- Instruction:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Form
- 2. For Parents:
- Current Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316
- If exempted from filing, provide a BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- If parents are unemployed, submit a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment with:
- Approximate income earned.
- Other proof of income (e.g., Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency).
- For the Applicant:
- If working, submit your Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316 .
- If married, include your spouse's ITR and/or BIR Form 2316.
- If your income comes from a business, attach an Income Statement.
- Special Circumstances:
- If exempted from filing an income tax return, provide the BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- For unemployed parents, a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment must be submitted along with proof of any other income (as listed above).
- 3. For incoming Freshie:
- Report Card for all semesters of Senior High
- For Continuing Students:
- True Copy of Grades from all previous semester
- 4. For incoming Freshie:
- Certificate of Good Moral Character from your Previous Senior Highschool
- For Continuing Students:
- Certificate of Good Moral Character from your College Secretary
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. Three (3) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: September 20, 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱3,500/month Living Allowance
- 2. ₱2,500/semester Book Allowance
- 3. ₱10,000 Thesis Undergraduate Research Grant
descriptionPhilchema Scholarship Grant (Philchema)Available slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a student with Junior or Senior standing
- 2. Must be a BS Agriculture (Animal Science majoring in Animal Nutrition or Animal Production) student or Doctor of Veterinary Medicine student
- 3. Must have a GWA of 2.25 or better
- 4. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- Instruction:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. Form 5 for 1st Semester 2024-2025
- 4. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 13 December 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱3,300 living allowance/month
- 2. ₱2,500 Book/IT Allowance per semester
- 3. ₱1,000 Travel Allowance
- 4. ₱30,000 Thesis Allowance in the senior year
descriptionPhilsan Undergraduate Scholarship Grant (Philsan)Available slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a junior student
- 2. Must be enrolled in BS Agriculture (AnSci specializing in Animal Nutrition)
- 3. Must have a General Weighted Average (GWA) of 2.25 or better in all subjects taken
- 4. Must have parents' or guardian's annual gross income not exceeding PhP 250,000.00
- 5. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant
- 6. Must not have any other scholarships
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from respective Office of College Secretary
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 8. Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 24 November 2023
BENEFITS- 1. Monthly stipend: P 6,000.00
- 2. Book/IT Allowance: P 2,000.00 per semester
- 3. Thesis allowance: P3,000.00 for the last two semesters
- 4. Graduation Expenses: P1,000.00
descriptionPhinma Foundation Undergrad. Scholarship Grant (Phinma)Available slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a 3rd, 4th, or 5th year student enrolled in BS Industrial Engineering , BS Electrical Engineering, BS Civil Engineering , BS Chemical Engineering or BS Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- 2. Must have a minimum GWA of 2.50 or better
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 31 July 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 19,000 per semester
- ----
descriptionSun Life Foundation ScholarshipAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a bonafide BS Statistics student (any standing/classification)
- 2. Must be enrolling to at least 15 units this First Semester 2024-2025
- 3. Must be financially in need and whose gross annual family income from all sources is not more than ₱500,000
- 4. Must not be a beneficiary of any other scholarships or educational grants
- 5. Must not have been subject to any disciplinary action
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill out the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2021 or 2022) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters (Form 138 for New/Incoming First-Year student applicants)
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character from College Secretary (from the previous school if a New/Incoming First-Year student applicant)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. Three (3) recommendation letters from previous professors/instructors (from previous senior high school teachers if a New/Incoming First-Year student applicant)
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
- Additional Requirement for New/Incoming First-Year student applicants:
- 1. Notice of Acceptance/Admission to UPLB
DEADLINE: 31 July 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 5,000 monthly stipend for five (5) months every semester
- 2. ₱ 4,000 Book/IT Allowance per semester
descriptionTuralba Foundation Scholarship ProgramAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a bonafide student (of any classification/year level) of the College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology
- 2. Must not be more than 22 years old at the time of filing the application
- 3. Must be a Filipino Citizen
- 4. Must be enrolling to at least 12 units for the 1st Semester A.Y. 2023-2024
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 1.. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2022) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters (Form 138 for Incoming Freshmen applicants)
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character from College Secretary (from the previous school if an Incoming Freshman applicant)
- 5. Form 5 for the current semester
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor (from previous senior high school teacher if an Incoming Freshman applicant)
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
- Additional Requirement for New/Incoming Freshmen applicants:
- 1. Notice of Acceptance/Admission to UPLB
DEADLINE: 11/8/2023
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 3,000 monthly stipend for students with families whose gross annual income of < ₱ 250,000 or ₱ 1,500 monthly stipend for students with families whose gross annual income of ₱ > 250,000
- 2. ₱ 2,000 Thesis Allowance per semester for the last two semesters; and
- 3. ₱ 1,000 Graduation Allowance at the last semester
descriptionUP Varrons Alumni Association Inc. Thesis Research GrantAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must have a grade point average of 2.5 or better at the time of application.
- 2. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant.
- 3. Must be 3rd year students who will undertake their thesis research (at the time of application)
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Form
- 2. For Parents:
- Current Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316
- If exempted from filing, provide a BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- If parents are unemployed, submit a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment with:
- Approximate income earned.
- Other proof of income (e.g., Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency).
- For the Applicant:
- If working, submit your Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316 .
- If married, include your spouse's ITR and/or BIR Form 2316.
- If your income comes from a business, attach an Income Statement.
- Special Circumstances:
- If exempted from filing an income tax return, provide the BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- For unemployed parents, a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment must be submitted along with proof of any other income (as listed above).
- 3. Current Form 5
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from your College Secretary
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 8. Approved thesis outline
DEADLINE: 10/14/2024
descriptionVenerable Knight Veterinarians Alumni Undergraduate Scholarship Grant (VKV)Available slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must not be enjoying other scholarships in the incoming school year
- 2. 2nd year DVM student
- 3. Must not be more than 20 years old at the time of application
- 4. GWA of 2.25 or better
- 5. No grade of ‘4.0’, ‘5.0’ or ‘INC’ in the previous semester
- 6. Must be financially needy with total annual family income mot exceeding P500,000
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SFA online
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. One (1) photo 2 x 2
- 2. Income Tax Return (ITR) of parent/s
- and/or other family members; if not gainfully employed, execute an
- affidavit as to the source and amount of income earned for the previous
- year and attach Barangay Certificate that family has no fixed income
- 3.For applicants already enrolled in the University, please submit also
- the following: (a) Form 5 (current semester; can be submitted at a later time when not yet available) (b) True Copy of Grades
- (TCG) during the previous semesters
- 4. Birth certificate 5. Certficate of Good Moral character; 6. One (1) Recommendation Letter.
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: 15 August 2020
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 3,750.00 stipend per month
- 2. ₱ 2,500.00 Book/IT allowance per semester
descriptionVicente B. Bello Scholarship Program (previously Aveena, Inc. Scholarship Program)Available slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a student with Old Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior standing
- 2. Must be a CEAT student or a BS Math and Science Teaching student
- 3. Must be enrolling to at least 12 units for the 1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023
- 4. Must have a General Weighted Average of at least 2.75
- 5. Must be a resident of Region IV-A (CALABARZON)
- 6. Must belong to a family whose income is not exceeding P250,000 per annum
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Photo in Application Forms
- 3. Notice of Acceptance/Admission to UPLB
- 4. Parent's Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 6. Three (3) Letters of Recommendation from previous professors
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 7. True Copy of Grades (All semesters)
- 8. Pictures of permanent residence (front and back part of the house, dining, kitchen, comfort room, bedroom, living room and other parts of the house duly certified by the Barangay Captain)
- 9. Monthly billing of ELECTRICITY and WATER for the last three (3) months
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 9 September 2022
BENEFITS- 1. Monthly stipend: P 3,000
- 2. Book/IT Allowance: P 2,500 per sem
- 3. Transportation Allowance P 500 per month
- 4. Clothing Allowance
descriptionUnivet Nutrition and Animal Healthcare Company (UNAHCO) Undergraduate Scholarship GrantAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a 3rd year or 4th year student
- 2. Must be a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine student or a BS Agriculture student majoring in Animal Nutrition
- 3. Must have obtained a General Weighted Average of 2.25 or better
- 4. Must not be enjoying other scholarships in the incoming school year
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Parents' Income Tax Return (BIR Form 2316 or SALN (for 2023) or Certification from the BIR/Barangay) and other proof of income (Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency)
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. One (1) recommendation letter from previous professor/instructor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 21 August 2023
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 3,800 monthly stipend
- 2. ₱ 2,000 Book Allowance per semester
- 3. ₱ 4,000 Instrument and Uniform Allowance
- 4. ₱ 5,000 Thesis Allowance
descriptionUP Presidential Undergraduate Scholarship GrantAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a natural born Filipino citizen;
- 2. Must be a bonafide student enrolled in any undergraduate degree program (except for Freshie) in the university;
- 3. Must be enrolling to at least 12 units for the First Semester A.Y. 2024-2025;
- 4. Must have a cumulative General Weighted Average of at least 1.75 (Kindly submit TCG for all previous semesters);
- 5. Must not be a second degree taker;
- 6. Must not be a DOST scholar;
- 7. Must not have been the subject of any disciplinary action;
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in Application Forms
- 2. For Parents:
- • Current Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316
- • If exempted from filing, provide a BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- • If parents are unemployed, submit a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment with:
- • Approximate income earned.
- • Other proof of income (e.g., Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and
- Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency).
- For the Applicant:
- • If working, submit your Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316.
- • If married, include your spouse's ITR and/or BIR Form 2316.
- • If your income comes from a business, attach an Income Statement.
- Special Circumstances:
- • If exempted from filing an income tax return, provide the BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- • For unemployed parents, a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment must be submitted along with proof of
- any other income (as listed above).
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission
- of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s
- Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
- 4. Cert. of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. Three (3) recommendation letters from previous professors
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: 10 October 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 10,000 stipend per semester
- 2. ₱ 2,000 Book/IT Allowance per semester
descriptionUP Presidential Graduate (M/MA/MS) Scholarship GrantAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a natural born Filipino citizen;
- 2. Must be a bonafide M/MA/MS student that will be enrolling to at least 9 units for the First Semester A.Y. 2024-2025;
- 3. Must have obtained a cumulative GWA of “1.75” (Kindly submit TCG for all previous semesters);
- 4. Must have a load of at least 9 academic units with no grade of “5.00”, “4.00” or “INC” in the semester immediately preceding the application;
- 5. Students graduated from universities or colleges other than University of the Philippines must have earned at least 9 units upon application;
- 6. Must not be a DOST scholar;
- 7. Must not have been the subject of any disciplinary action.
- Instructions:
- 1.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in Application Forms
- 2. For Parents:
- • Current Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316
- • If exempted from filing, provide a BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- • If parents are unemployed, submit a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment with:
- • Approximate income earned.
- • Other proof of income (e.g., Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and
- Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency).
- For the Applicant:
- • If working, submit your Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316.
- • If married, include your spouse's ITR and/or BIR Form 2316.
- • If your income comes from a business, attach an Income Statement.
- Special Circumstances:
- • If exempted from filing an income tax return, provide the BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- • For unemployed parents, a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment must be submitted along with proof of
- any other income (as listed above).
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission
- of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s
- Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
- 4. Cert. of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. Three (3) recommendation letters from previous professors
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: 10 October 2024
BENEFITS- 1. Stipend of P 12,500.00/sem
- 2. Book Allowance of P 3,000.00/semester
- 3. Thesis Allowance of P 5,000.00
descriptionUP Presidential Graduate (PhD) Scholarship GrantAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a natural born Filipino citizen
- 2. Must be a bonafide PhD student that will be enrolling to at least 9 units for the 1st Semester A.Y. 2023-2024
- 3. Must have obtained a cumulative GWA of “1.75”
- 4. Must have a load of at least 9 academic units with no grade of “5.00”, “4.00” or “INC” in the semester immediately preceding the application
- 5. Students graduated from universities or colleges other than University of the Philippines must have earned at least 9 units upon application
- 6. Must not be a DOST scholar
- 7. Must not have been the subject of any disciplinary action
- Instructions:
- 1.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in Application Forms
- 2. Your Current Income Tax Return(if employed) or Current Income Tax Return of guardian/spouse(if unemployed); if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if guardian/spouse is unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. True Copy of Grades from previous semesters
- 4. Cert. of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. Three (3) recommendation letters from previous professors
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 7. If employed, secure a Letter of Recommendation from the head institute
- 8. If employed, secure a Certification of study leave with pay
- 9. If a UP Employee, submit certificate of Good Moral from the unit where he/she is employed
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 21 August 2023
BENEFITS- 1. Stipend of P 12,500.00/sem
- 2. Book Allowance of P 3,000.00/semester
- 3. Dissertation Allowance of P 10,000.00
descriptionUP Presidential Undergraduate Leadership GrantAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a natural born Filipino citizen;
- 2. Must be a bonafide student enrolled in any undergraduate degree program (except for Freshie) in the university;
- 3. Must be enrolling to at least 15 units for the First Semester A.Y. 2024-2025;
- 4. Must have a cumulative General Weighted Average of at least 1.75 (Kindly submit TCG for all previous semesters);
- 5. Must have a potential for leadership as shown in membership in student councils, student organizations, debates, clubs, etc.;
- 6. Must not be a second degree taker;
- 7. Must not be a DOST scholar;
- 8. Must not have been the subject of any disciplinary action;
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in Application Forms
- 2. For Parents:
- • Current Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316
- • If exempted from filing, provide a BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- • If parents are unemployed, submit a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment with:
- • Approximate income earned.
- • Other proof of income (e.g., Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and
- Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency).
- For the Applicant:
- • If working, submit your Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316.
- • If married, include your spouse's ITR and/or BIR Form 2316.
- • If your income comes from a business, attach an Income Statement.
- Special Circumstances:
- • If exempted from filing an income tax return, provide the BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- • For unemployed parents, a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment must be submitted along with proof of
- any other income (as listed above).
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission
- of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s
- Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
- 4. Cert. of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. Three (3) recommendation letters from previous professors
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: 10 October 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 10,000 stipend per semester
- 2. ₱ 2,000 Book/IT Allowance per semester
descriptionUP Presidential Graduate Leadership GrantAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a natural born Filipino citizen;
- 2. Must be a bonafide graduate student that will be enrolling to at least 9 units for the First Semester A.Y. 2024-2025;
- 3. Must have obtained a cumulative GWA of “1.75” (Kindly submit TCG for all previous semesters);
- 4. Must have a load of at least 9 academic units with no grade of “5.00”, “4.00” or “INC” in the semester immediately preceding the application;
- 5. Must have a potential for leadership as shown in membership in student councils, student organizations, debates, clubs, etc.
- 6. Students graduated from universities or colleges other than University of the Philippines must have earned at least 9 units upon application;
- 7. Must not be a DOST scholar;
- 8. Must not have been the subject of any disciplinary action.
- Instructions:
- 1.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in Application Forms
- 2. For Parents:
- • Current Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316
- • If exempted from filing, provide a BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- • If parents are unemployed, submit a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment with:
- • Approximate income earned.
- • Other proof of income (e.g., Affidavit of Income, Tax Exemption, Certificate of Employment and
- Compensation, Contract with employer, Certificate of Indigency).
- For the Applicant:
- • If working, submit your Income Tax Return (ITR) and/or BIR Form 2316.
- • If married, include your spouse's ITR and/or BIR Form 2316.
- • If your income comes from a business, attach an Income Statement.
- Special Circumstances:
- • If exempted from filing an income tax return, provide the BIR Certificate of Exemption.
- • For unemployed parents, a Notarized Affidavit of Unemployment must be submitted along with proof of
- any other income (as listed above).
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission
- of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s
- Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
- 4. Cert. of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. Three (3) recommendation letters from previous professors
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: 10 October 2024
BENEFITS- 1. Stipend of P 12,500.00/sem
- 2. Book Allowance of P 3,000.00/semester
- 3. Thesis Allowance of P 5,000.00
descriptionScholarship Program for Foreign Students (M/MA/MS)Available slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a foreign graduate (M/MA/MS) student in UPLB;
- 2. Must have a load of at least 9 academic units with no grade of “5.00”, “4.00” or “INC” in the semester immediately preceding the application;
- 3. Must have a cumulative GWA of 1.75 (Kindly submit TCG for all previous semesters);
- 4. Must be enrolling to at least 9 units for the 1st Semester A.Y. 2023-2024.
- Instructions:
- 1.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Your Current Income Tax Return(if employed) or Current Income Tax Return of guardian/spouse(if unemployed); if exempted from filing attach Cert. of Exemption; if guardian/spouse is unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. Three (3) recommendation letters from previous professors
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 7. Letter of Nomination from home government
- 8. Letter of financial support from parents/immediate family
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 10 October 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 12,500 stipend per semester
- 2. ₱ 3,000 Book/IT Allowance per semester
- 3. ₱ 5,000 Thesis Allowance
descriptionScholarship Program for Foreign Students (PhD)Available slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a foreign graduate (PhD) student in UPLB;
- 2. Must have a load of at least 9 academic units with no grade of “5.00”, “4.00” or “INC” in the semester immediately preceding the application;
- 3. Must have a cumulative GWA of 1.75 (Kindly submit TCG for all previous semesters);
- 4. Must be enrolling to at least 9 units for the 1st Semester A.Y. 2023-2024
- Instructions:
- 1.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS- 1. Photo in the Application Forms
- 2. Your Current Income Tax Return(if employed) or Current Income Tax Return of guardian/spouse(if unemployed); if exempted from filing attach Cert. of Exemption; if guardian/spouse is unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. True Copy of Grades from all previous semesters
- 4. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College Secretary)
- 5. Birth Certificate
- 6. Three (3) recommendation letters from previous professors
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 7. Letter of Nomination from home government
- 8. Letter of financial support from parents/immediate family
- ** Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 10 October 2024
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 12,500 stipend per semester
- 2. ₱ 3,000 Book/IT Allowance per semester
- 3. ₱ 10,000 Dissertation Allowance
descriptionAdolfo S. Suzara Foundation, Inc. Scholarship - SystemwideAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a Filipino citizen
- 2. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units
- 3. Must be financially needy (gross income must not exceed P200,000)
- 4. If an entering freshman, must have passed UPCAT*, if already enrolled, must have obtained GWA of '2.0' or better with no grade of '3.0' or unremoved '4.0' or 'inc' in the semester immediately preceding the application
- 5. Must not have been the subject of any disciplinary action
DEADLINE: 21 October 2019
descriptionArchie B.M. Laaño Quezonian ScholarshipsAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a bonafide student in any bachelor degree program in UP Diliman, UP Los Baños and UP Manila; from the province of Quezon
- 2. Must have a general weighted average of at least “2.5” with no grade of “5.00” or unremoved “4” or “Inc.” in the immediately preceding semester
- 3. Must be financially needy
- 4. Must not have been subject of any disciplinary action
DEADLINE: 21 October 2019
descriptionCayo Alzona ScholarshipAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a Senior in UP Los Baños
- 2. Must be enrolled in BS Agri with GWA of 2.0 with 15 units enrolled
- 3. With no grade of 5.0, 4.0 or Inc.
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s) (Cumulative GWA should be 1.75)**
- 5. Cert. of Good Moral Character (from College or OSA)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. Three (3) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- 8. Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 21 October 2019
descriptionCurvelo-University of the Philippines ScholarshipAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a Senior student from any college of the University of the Philippines System expected to graduate at the end of 2nd sem, AY 2019-2020
- 2. Must have earned an average grade of “2.50” or better and must have carried a load of at least 15 units with no grade of “5.00” or unremoved “4.00” or “inc.” in the semester immediately preceding the application;
- 3. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant;
- 4. Must be financially needy (parents’ annual gross income must not exceed P300,000.00)
- 5. Must not have been held liable in any disciplinary action
- 6. Apply to SFA online
- Download application form and email all requirements at [email protected] or at [email protected]
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if
- exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are
- unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Cert. of Good Moral Character (from College or OSA)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. Three (3) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- 8.
- Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all
- semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is
- to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to
- prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 15 August 2019
descriptionFilipino American Military Medical Officers Society (FAMMOS) ScholarshipAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. The scholarship award shall be for any financially needy student (parent's annual gross income must not exceed P 200,000.00) who can prove descent from any active veteran members (deceased or alive) of the Armed Forces of the Philippines;
- 2. Priority shall be given to descendants of enlisted personnel on a first-come-first served basis and those orphaned by one or both parents; otherwise;
- 3. If an entering freshman, must have passed the UPCAT; if already enrolled as freshman, must have obtained an average of "2.5" or better and must have carried a load of at least 15 units with no grade of "5.0" or unremoved "4.0" or "inc" in the semester immediately preceding the application;
- 4. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant;
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if
- exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are
- unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Cert. of Good Moral Character (from College or OSA)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. Three (3) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- 8.Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all
- semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is
- to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to
- prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 15 August 2019
- 1. Must be a bona fide GRADUATING students of the University of the Philippines System (CEBU, DILIMAN & LOS BAÑOS)
- 2. Must be enrolled in any business related degree program of the University
- 3. Must have obtained a general weighted average of “3.00” or better with at least 15 enrolled units, no grade of "4.00", "5.00" or "Inc."
- 4. Must be financially needy (parents’ annual gross income must not exceed P300,000
- 5. Must not have been the subject of any disciplinary action 6. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant.
- 7. Apply to SFA online
- Download application form and email all requirements at [email protected] or at [email protected]
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Cert. of Good Moral Character (from College or OSA)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. Three (3) recommendation letter from previous Professor
DEADLINE: 5 September 2019
descriptionPhilippine S&T Development Foundation-Manila, Inc. (Phildev) Science & Engineering Scholarship GrantsAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Annual gross family income must not exceed P500,000.00
- 2. Must have a qualifying GWA of “1.75”
- 3. Must be at least sophomore in standing enrolled in COMPUTER SCIENCE or INDUSTRIAL EGINEERING at the University of the Philippines Los Baños
- 4. Must be in good mental, physical, and emotional health
- 5. Must not have been the subject of any disciplinary action
- 6. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units or normal load of the course at the time of the award of the grant
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5 (current semester; can be submitted at a later time when not yet available)
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from respective Office of College Secretary
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. Three (3) recommendation letters from previous Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 8. Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 30 September 2021
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 7,000.00 stipend per month
- 2. ₱ 5,000.00 Book/IT allowance per semester
descriptionSMPFC Future Leaders Scholarship ProgramAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a Filipino citizen residing in the Philippines for at least 4 years prior to the grant of scholarship
- 2. Must be a sophomore student enrolled in UPLB
- 3. Must have obtained a GWA of 2.00 or better and must have a load of at least 18 units with no grade of 5.00 or unremoved 4.00 or INC in the semester immediately preceding the application
- 4. Must not be a recipient of any scholarship grant including educational plan
- 5. Must be financially needy (parents' annual gross income must not exceed P500,000
- 6. Must not have been held liable in any disciplinary action
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s) (Cumulative GWA should be 1.75)**
- 5. Cert. of Good Moral Character (from College or OSA)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. Three (3) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- 8. Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 5 February 2018
BENEFITS- 1. School Fees: Actual Fees
- 2. Monthly stipend: P 3,500
- 3. Book Allowance: P 2,000 per sem
- 4. Clothing Allowance: P 3,000 per sem
- 5. Travel Allowance: P 1,000 per sem
descriptionUP Alumni Association in America (UPAAA) ScholarshipAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a natural born Filipino citizen;
- 2. Must be a regular first year and other level student enrolled in a four (4)-year or five (5)- year undergraduate course;
- 3. Must have obtained a General Weighted Average of "3.0" with no grade of "5.0" or unremoved "4.0" or "inc" in the last semester immediately preceding the application;
- 4. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant;
- 5. Must hve parents' or guardian annual gross income not exceeding PhP 80,000.00;
- 6. Must not have been held liable in any disciplinary action worse than 5-day class suspension.
- 7. Apply to SFA online
- Download application form and email all requirements at [email protected] or at [email protected]
DEADLINE: 15 August 2019
descriptionUP Alumni, Quesada-Fulgado & Friends Scholarship GrantAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Open to a regular student of the University of the Philippines who is of minimum third (3rd) year undergraduate program standing
- 2. Applicant must have earned a General Weighted Average grade of “2.00” on minimum in all subjects taken
- 3. Applicant must not have been given a grade lower than 3.00 (“Pass”) or, before the awarding of the grant, have a grade of Incomplete
- 4. Applicant must comply with the rules of the university and his/her college on academic performance (e.g., minimum academic load per semester)
- 5. Applicant must be financially needy (i.e., parents’ or guardians’ annual gross income is not more than P250,000.00 based on their income tax returns)
- 6. Must belong to ST Bracket PD80, Full Discount, or Full Discount with Stipend
- 7. Applicant must not have subjected to disciplinary action by the University or his/her college
- 8. Applicant must be of good moral character and not have been convicted of a crime
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SLAS online at if there is an open application, otherwise, proceed to next step
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character from respective Office of College Secretary
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. Three (3) recommendation letters from previous professors
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- *Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 21 December 2021
BENEFITS- 1. ₱ 3,000.00 monthly stipend
- 2. ₱ 1,500.00 book allowance per semester
- 3. ₱ 500.00 transportation allowance per month
- 4. Matriculation fees, as assessed up to ₱ 6,000.00
descriptionUPAA Hongkong Scholarship Grant - SystemwideAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a graduating student enrolled in any degree
- 2. Must not be a holder of any other scholarship or financial grant
- 3. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units
- 4. Must be financially deserving
- 5. Must be given priority to a dependent of Overseas Filipino Worker based in Hongkong at the time of application
- 6. Must not have been the subject of any disciplinary action
DEADLINE: 21 October 2019
descriptionUPAA of Australia-New South Wales Scholarship - SystemwideAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a bona fide student of UPLB in any 4-year course; 2. Must be a freshman student who has qualified for admission; if already enrolled as a freshman, must have, must have obtained a GWA of '2.5' or better and must have carried a load of at least 15 units with no grade of '5.0' or unremoved '4.0' or 'inc' in the semester preceding the application
- 3. Must be qualified for Full discount (FD) of the Socialized Tuition System (ST system) and whose gross family income is not more than P 325,000.00; 4. Must not be holding currently with any other scholarship;
- 5. Must not have been the subject of any disciplinary action.
- 6. Apply to SFA online
- Download application form and email all requirements at [email protected] or at [email protected]
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Cert. of Good Moral Character (from College or OSA)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. Three (3) recommendation letter from previous Professor
DEADLINE: 15 August 2019
descriptionUPAA of Wisconsin Scholarship - SystemwideAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. A senior student from any College of UP System expected to graduatw at the end of 2nd Semester, AY 2019-2020;
- 2. Must earned an average grade of '2.5' or better and mist have carried a load of at least 15 units with no grade of '5.0' or unremoved '4.0' or 'inc' in the semester immediately preceding the application
- 3. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant
- 4. Must be financially needy (gross income must not exceed P300,000)
- 5. Must not have been found guilty of disciplinary action.
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SFA online
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5 (current semester; can be submitted at a later time when not yet available)
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Cert. of Good Moral Character (from College)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. Three (3) recommendation letters from previous Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
- 8. Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 15 August 2019
descriptionUPAA Singapore Scholarship - SystemwideAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a bona fide student of UPLB in any 4-year course; 2. Must be a freshman student who has qualified for admission; if already enrolled as a freshman, must have, must have obtained a GWA of '2.5' or better and must have carried a load of at least 15 units with no grade of '5.0' or unremoved '4.0' or 'inc' in the semester preceding the application
- 3. Must be qualified for Full discount (FD) of the Socialized Tuition System (ST system) and whose gross family income is not more than P 325,000.00; 4. Must not be holding currently with any other scholarship;
- 5. Must not have been the subject of any disciplinary action.
- 6. Apply to SFA online
- Download application form and email all requirements at [email protected] or at [email protected]
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Cert. of Good Moral Character (from College or OSA)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. Three (3) recommendation letter from previous Professor
DEADLINE: 15 August 2019
descriptionUPAA-Tomas S. Fonacier, Delfin J. Jaranilla, et. al. Scholarship for Cultural Minorities in the Philippines - SystemwideAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a bona fide freshman student of UP
- 2. Must be enrolled in any 4 or 5-year degree program and must carry a normal load of at least 15 units per semester
- 3. Must have qualified for admission; if already enrolled, must have a GWA of at least '2.5' during the immediately preceding semester
- 4. Must be financially needy (gross income must not exceed P200,000)
- 5. Must not have been the subject of any disciplinary action worse than a 5-day class suspension
DEADLINE: 21 October 2019
descriptionUPAA-UAE Chapter ScholarshipAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a First Year BS Forestry student; 2. Must have been admitted to the University, subject to the UP College Admission Test (UPCAT);
- 3. Must be financially underpriveleged (parents' gross annual income must not exceed P 200,000.00);
- 4. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant;
- 5. Must not have been the subject of any disciplinary action; 6. Must present a Brangay Clearance.
- 7. Apply to SFA online
- Download application form and email all requirements at [email protected] or at [email protected]
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5
- 4.Form 138 5. Certificate of Good Moral Character (from College or OSA)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. Three (3) recommendation letter from previous Professor
DEADLINE: 7 November 2019
descriptionUPSILON SIGMA PHI NORTH AMERICA (USPNA) Scholarship ProgramAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be a bona fide SOPHOMORE students enrolled in the fields of Science and Engineering at UP Diliman and UP Los Baños;
- 2. Must have obtained an average grade of “2.5” or better for a load of at least 15 units with no grades of “5.0”. Any grades of “4.0” or “incomplete” must be removed or completed in the semester immediately preceding the application;
- 3. Must have actively participated in social and community services benefiting the more vulnerable citizens in their communities;
- 4. Must be financially needy (parents’ annual gross income must not exceed P500,000);
- 5. Must not be a recipient of another scholarship grant that provides at least 30% of the award given by USPNA;
- 6. Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant;
- 7. Must not have been the subject of any disciplinary action.
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s) (Cumulative GWA should be 1.75)**
- 5. Cert. of Good Moral Character (from College or OSA)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. Three (3) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- 8. Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 21 October 2019
- 1. Must be bona fide student enrolled in any BS or BA course in UP Diliman, Los Baños, or Manila.
- 2. Must be at least Sophomore and must obtained a minimum general weighted average (GWA) of “1.75” or better with 15 units of normal load with no grade of “5.0”, “4.0” or “inc.”
- 3. Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship
- 4. Must not have been the subject of any disciplinary action.
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s) (Cumulative GWA should be 1.75)**
- 5. Cert. of Good Moral Character (from College or OSA)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. Three (3) recommendation letter from previous Professor
- 8. Kindly make an early request of your True Copy of Grades (TCG) for all semesters prior to submission of your application requirements. This is to give ample time for your respective College Secretary’s Office to prepare the prior semesters’ TCG.
DEADLINE: 21 October 2019
descriptionUT Foundation, Inc. ScholarshipAvailable slots: ---QUALIFICATIONS
- 1. Must be among the top graduate high school students with leadership potential as per certified extra-curricular activities; 2. Must have been admitted to the University, subject to the UP College admission Test (UPCAT);
- 3.Must be a regular FRESHMAN if admitted in a 4-year course; a SOPHOMORE if admitted in a 5-year course in the university; Student enrolled in doctor of Medicine must be 4th year in standing at the time of application;
- 4. Must have obtained a general weighted average of at least “2.50” with no grade of “5.00” or unremoved “4.00” or “inc” in the semester immediately preceding the application;
- 5. Must not be a recipient of any scholarship grant; 5.Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant;
- 6. Must be qualified for Full Discount (FD) under STS
- 7. Must not have been held liable in any disciplinary action prior to admission.
- Instructions:
- a.) Apply to SFA online
- b.) Fill up the online application from through this link:
- 2. Current Income Tax Return of parents; if exempted from filing attach BIR Cert. of Exemption; if parents are unemployed, attach notarized affidavit of income
- 3. Current Form 5 (current semester; can be submitted at a later time when not yet available)
- 4. True Copy of Grades from previous semester(s)
- 5. Cert. of Good Moral Character (from College)
- 6. Birth Certificate
- 7. Three (3) recommendation letters from previous Professor
- (addressed to:
- Dr. Janette H. Malata-Silva
- Chair, UPLB Committee on Scholarships and Financial Assistance
- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs)
DEADLINE: 15 August 2020