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LRC tutorials serve 1,775 UPLB students in 2nd Sem AY 2023-2024
27 August 2024 | Joshua Michael G. Jonas |
The UPLB Learning Resource Center (LRC) successfully conducted 47 large group tutorial sessions and 290 individual sessions under the Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM) Learning Sessions for the second semester of the academic year 2023-2024.
LRC served 1,775 UPLB students in these sessions. Fourteen organizations also partnered with LRC in the conduct of the large group tutorials.
LRC’s tutorial sessions aim to assist and prepare UPLB students for their examinations and other academic requirements by providing them with free review sessions and learning materials.
Individual sessions are facilitated by the Center’s 54 resident tutors under PEER or Promoting Excellence through Educational Review.
To accommodate more tutees, the PEER tutors also conduct large group sessions for the long examinations usually in the high-mortality subjects.
These subjects are determined by the demand from individual sessions or through suggestions by classes and sections in that specific subject.
The in-demand subjects are Mathematics, Biology, Engineering Science, Physics, Statistics, Economics, and Chemistry, among others.
Almost all tutorial sessions were conducted face-to-face in various venues at the Student Union Building and other lecture halls in the university.
These sessions are usually conducted after class hours or during the weekends to ensure that there are no conflicts with the tutees’ classes.
Recognized UPLB student organizations also partnered with LRC through TEAM UP or the tutorial sessions facilitated with organizations and selected UPLB faculty members.
LRC teams up with the organization in preparing the logistics, program, and overall conduct of the session. These tutorials are part of the academic support and extension projects of the organizations.
The Center was able to partner with the following organizations for this semester in the conduct of some large group tutorial sessions: UP Concordia Scientia Animalis, UPLB Genetics Society, Alliance of Statistics Majors-UPLB, UPLB Statistical Society, UPLB Mathematical Sciences Society, Society of Math Majors-UPLB, UPLB Economics Society, UP League of Agricultural Chemistry Students, Alliance of Computer Science Students-UPLB, Philippine Association of Nutrition-Alpha Omega Chapter, UP Agricultural and Applied Economics Circle, Philippine Association of Food Technologists-UPLB, UP Alliance of Chemical Engineering Students, and UPLB Chemical Kinetics Society.
As part of the Center’s Animal-Assisted Education program, LRC’s Fur Staff also make regular appearances for more conducive and less stressful tutorial sessions.
The Center is going to hire more PEER tutors this coming academic year to accommodate more students across different subjects. It also plans to mobilize more student organizations in spearheading large group tutorials.
Moreover, LRC together with the RECOMMIT-IT team of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs is gearing up for the automatic booking system of the LRC tutorials through the UPLB OSAM account for easier navigation and implementation.